Dithering on electricity infrastructure threatens Australia’s energy transition
If Australia is to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, we’ll need to see a major programme of renewable energy projects come online in the next two decades.
Many in the electricity industry confuse resilience and reliability as the same thing, when they are in fact, quite different. This is a call to regulators, governments and industry leaders - we need to change how we operate and fast!
Digging and drilling into otherwise sound poles is time-consuming, damaging and dangerous. We’ve developed a better, non-invasive way of testing poles that saves time and money, and we call it THOR.
Working with Swedish company Amokabel, we've developed a way to dramatically reduce the risk of wildfires sparked from power lines. Our covered conductor offers a safe, low-cost solution that performs in extreme environments.
"We work with Groundline because they're honest, they work hard, you know what you're getting and you can have a conversation where both sides understand and talk frankly."
"Groundline is really working hard to meet the future needs of its team and its customers. They're very strong on continuous improvement, learning from the past and really focusing on the future. Great attitude to have."