January 10, 2025

Introducing Tyron Peterson, our Senior CAD Technician!

We are pleased to introduce Tyron Peterson as the newest member of the Groundline team, based in NZ. He has joined us as a Senior CAD Technician where he is preparing drawings and markups for our engineers and clients.

Tyron is originally from Johannesburg, South Africa and moved to New Zealand with his family 8 years ago.

Tyron says he was drawn to Groundline by the opportunity to specialize in one aspect of engineering (transmission design) and really excel at it.  

He enjoys working with the team, saying everyone has been super helpful – from the junior to senior engineers.  Having worked for some much larger organizations in the past, he has valued the genuine interest and engagement the senior leaders have taken in talking with him, not just a casual ‘hello’ but really taking time.

Outside of work, he has some slightly ‘quirky’ hobbies.  

He is a collector of vintage New Zealand BMX bikes, a passion sparked by his cousin.  He thinks he owns 8 or 9, but as some of them are in bits, he’s not quite sure!!

He’s also a collector of vinyl records. He inherited around 20 records during his childhood and has continued to cultivate this collection with his wife, who shares his love for music.

Welcome onboard, Tyron!  

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